Plotting the Mandelbrot set

The Mandelbrot (For a detailed description see is a 2 dimensional set that is built by a simple mathematical operation in a certain 2 dimensional interval where the mathematical operation shows a very interesting behaviour. If it is plotted, it can show a quite aesthetic image with fractal structures. The big point is the colour setting of the plot :-)


The basic idea is:

For each point p of the set

Start with a complex number of value z =0 + j0.

Put z in the square

Add the complex value of the current point of the set to z Repeat the last 2 steps until the length of z becomes bigger than 2 or a maximum number of iterations has been done.

Then set the colour of the actual point to black if the maximum number of iterations was exceeded or according to a colour scheme if maximum number of iterations was not exceeded.

Now as





For the loop

And if we use (x; y) points instead of complex numbers, it's:



Implemented in a small C# function that returns the number of done loops for a certain point:

public int IterationsLoop(System.Windows.Point p)
     System.Windows.Point z = new System.Windows.Point(0, 0);
     int i;
     double xtemp;
     for (i = 0; i <= maxIterations; i++)
         xtemp = z.X * z.X - z.Y * z.Y + p.X;
         z.Y = 2 * z.X * z.Y + p.Y;
         z.X = xtemp;
         if (z.X * z.X + z.Y * z.Y > 4)
     return i;

Quite a simple thing :-)

To plot the picture with xSize, ySize the following sequence is used

for (int y = 0; y < fractal.ySize; y++)
     for (int x = 0; x < fractal.xSize; x++)
         bmpDest.SetPixel(x, y, fractal.SetColorRGB(x, y));

With the function CreatePic() to compute the number of iterantions for each pixel of the picture and store it in the 2 dimensional array interations[x, y]:

public void CreatePic()
     System.Windows.Point Z = new System.Windows.Point();
     for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++)
              Z= ScreenToMB(x, y);
              int i = IterationsLoop(Z);
              iterations[x, y] = i;


public System.Windows.Point ScreenToMB(int xScreen, int yScreen)
     System.Windows.Point ReturnVal = new System.Windows.Point();
     ReturnVal.X = minX + (maxX - minX) * xScreen / xSize;
     ReturnVal.Y = minY + (maxY - minY) * yScreen / ySize;
     return ReturnVal;

For the colour setting the target is to have a as wide variety of colours in the resulting graphic as possible. For each point there is a number of iterations carried out with the above function. According to this number of iterations a colour shall be chosen. As this number of iterations is limited to maxIterations, this limit can be used. I divided this maxIterations into 5 sections where the colours red, green or blue are varied like


The C# function for this looks like:

public Color SetColorRGB(int x, int y)
     double colorPart1 = maxIterations / 15.0;
     double colorPart2 = 2.0 * colorPart1;
     double colorPart3 = 4.0 * colorPart1;
     double colorPart4 = 8.0 * colorPart1;
     Color pix;
     int B;
     int G;
     int R;
     if (iterations[x, y] >= maxIterations)
         pix = Color.Black;
         if (iterations[x, y] < colorPart1)
              B = (int)(0xff * (iterations[x, y] / colorPart1));
              G = 0;
              R = 0;
              if (iterations[x, y] < colorPart2)
                   B = 0xFF - (int)(0xff * ((iterations[x, y] - colorPart1) / colorPart1));
                   G = (int)(0xff * ((iterations[x, y] - colorPart1) / colorPart1));
                   R = 0;
                   if (iterations[x, y] < colorPart3)
                        B = 0;
                        G = 0xFF - (int)(0xff * ((iterations[x, y] - colorPart2) / colorPart2));
                        R = (int)(0xff * ((iterations[x, y] - colorPart2) / colorPart2));
                        if (iterations[x, y] < colorPart4)
                            B = 0;
                            G = (int)(0xff * ((iterations[x, y] - colorPart3) / colorPart3));
                            R = 0xff;
                            B = (int)(0xff * ((iterations[x, y] - colorPart4) / colorPart4));
                            G = 0xff;
                            R = 0xff;
         if (R < 0)
              R = 0;
         else if (R > 255)
              R = 255;
         if (G < 0)
              G = 0;
         else if (G > 255)
              G = 255;
         if (B < 0)
              B = 0;
         else if (B > 255)
              B = 255;
         pix = Color.FromArgb(R, G, B);
     return pix;

With this colour setting and a range for x of -2.2 to 0.8 and for y of -1.1 to 1.1 and maxIterations = 200 we get quite a nice graphic:


But it becomes really fascinating if we zoom out a bit:


And now there is a little black dot (in the white rectangle):


If this is zoomed out, there is another similar dot and this zoomed oud out shows the same again… and 2.5 mio times zoomed out with the setting


and maxIterations = 15000 the same shape appears as was in the beginning:


and with


What makes a 230 mio times zoom, maxiterations = 50000 and 1.5 h computation time


There are 1000 of this shapes in the plot. Isn’t that amazing? That’s makes mathematics so fascinating and beautiful :-)

The demo project consists of one main window:

Here's a little video with animated zooming deep into the image.


Pressing the <Calc> button computes and plots the Mandelbrot set.

There is a zoom function implemented. Pressing the left mouse button and moving from top, left to bottom, right marks a zoom area by a white rectangle. Pressing <Calc> afterwards computes and plots the Mandelbrot set with this zoom setting. Pressing the right mouse button resets the current zoom.

Pressing the <Reset> button resets the zoom to the initial setting.

Pressing the <Save> button saves the current plot into the file “Fractal.png” in the application directory of this application

C# Demo Project Mandelbrot