Numerical integration by Simpson

Thomas Simpson became famous for his integration formula which is basically a form of the integration algorithm invented by Johannes Kepler 100 years earlier.

The Simpson formula uses a second order polynomial to approximate a segment of the function to be integrated. Of this polynomial the definite integral can easily be built and computed. The second order polynomial is a very good approximation of a small segment and due to that the result of the Simpson integration is quite useful.

Usually the Simpson integration integrates a function given by some supporting points. It uses a sequence of 3 supporting points y1, y2, y3 to build the polynomial. That means these 3 supporting points build one segment that is integrated at once. Then the next 3 supporting points are taken and integrated in the same manner. This is done in a loop from the beginning till the end of the integration interval. At the end the sum of all these integrals is taken for the result.


This procedure implies a restriction: There must be an odd number of supporting points.

The segment that should be integrated is b – a = 2h and if a is set to 0 the approximated function f(x) shall be integrated as a function of y1, y2 and y3 like


And the factors k1, k2 and k3 shall be determined.

Therefore the formulation for the 3 points y1, y2 and y3 is set up:

With the second order polynomial f(x) is approximated like


This formulation applied for y1, y2 and y3


That leads to the equation


or a bit rearranged


On the other hand


And a parameter comparison leads to the matrix equation:


which can easily be solved and yields


and with this


That’s the integral for one segment. To integrate the entire interval, this formula must be applied in a loop running over the entire integration interval.

With the same sample function I already used or the other integration algorithms:


And 7 supporting points like


The loop to compute the Simpson integral looks like:

private double CalcSimpson(int n)
     int i;
     double m;
     double h;
     h = (b - a) / n;
     m = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < n-1; i+=2)
         m = m + f_x(a + h * i)/3 + f_x(a + h * (i+1))*4/3+ f_x(a + h * (i+2))/3;
     m = m * h;
     return m;


private double f_x(double x)
     return 5.0 / (Math.Exp(Math.PI) - 2.0) * Math.Exp(2 * x) * Math.Cos(x);

With this I get 0.9985. Quite a good accuracy with just 7 supporting points :-)