To solve a matrix equation by Gram-Schmidt QR decomposition


I first got into touch with the Gram-Schmidt (Jørgen Pedersen Gram and Erhard Schmidt) algorithm in relation with some Eigenvalue computations. Unfortunately the Gram-Schmidt algorithm is rather instable in iteration and therefore not too useful for Eigenvalue computations. So I had to leave that. But there is still an interesting application.

There are 2 algorithms of Gram-Schmidt mentioned in the literature: The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization and the orthonormalization. In this article I’m writing about the orthonormalization which can be extended to a QR decomposition. This QR decomposition can be used to implement quite a lean algorithm to solve a matrix equation.
The Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization builds from a matrix M a matrix Q which is orthonormal and with Q and M a right upper matrix R is calculated according to:


In the case of a matrix equation the following point is interesting:


If M is substituted by Q * R, the matrix equation gets the form


And now both sides can be multiplied by QT (see Transposed Matrix) and that eliminates Q on the left side:


With this we get a right upper diagonal matrix on the left side remaining which means no further elimination is required and the matrix equation can be solved right away. On the right side the solution vector y is multiplied by the transposed matrix of Q. That yields another vector and is no complicate operation :-)

Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization

The Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization calculates column by column from M the orthonormal matrix Q. For each column first an orthogonal vector is built (not the same as is done in the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization) and then normalized by dividing it by its length. The first column is the easiest. If m1 is the first column vector of M and q1 is the first column vector of Q:


For all other columns the formulation is a bit different and requires some more steps and an arbitrary vector vk:





And so on:

For k > 1 that’s:





is the so called inner product of the two vectors qi and mk. Which is basically the same as the dot product of qi and mk in this case.


That’s for Q.

Now R has to be computed with that.



To eliminate Q on the right side, the equation is extended by QT again and that gives


For a 4*4 matrix that would be:


And so on. All the elements below the main diagonal become 0. That comes from the way qk is built. If the index k of qk is bigger than the index j of mj the dot product of them becomes 0.

For the entire matrix R:


Most these values are already computed in the part for Q. only the first element must be computed in advance and all die diagonal elements must be computed afterwards.

In C# the entire calculation would be a function like:

public void CalcGranSchmidt(int order)
int i, k;
int actCol;
double len = 0.0;
double[] v = new double[order];
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
len = len + m[i, 0] * m[i, 0];
len = Math.Sqrt(len);
// q1 is different
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
q[i, 0] = m[i, 0] / len;
//r11 can be calculated right away
r[0, 0] = InnerProd(m, m, 0, 0, order)/len;
for (actCol = 1; actCol < order; actCol++)
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
v[i] = m[i, actCol];
q[i, actCol] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < actCol; i++)
// calculate the elements of R
r[i, actCol] = InnerProd(q, m, i, actCol, order);
// calculate the temporary V vector
for (k = 0; k < order; k++)
v[k] = v[k] - q[k, i] * r[i, actCol];
// the length of V
len = Len(v);
// one column od Q is V / lenght of V
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
q[i, actCol] = v[i] / len;
// the diagonal elements of R must be calculated separately
r[actCol, actCol] = InnerProd(q, m, actCol, actCol, order);


double InnerProd(double[,] a, double[,] b, int colA, int colB, int order)
int i;
double c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
c = c + a[i, colA] * b[i, colB];
return c;

for the inner product of two column vectors and

double Len(double[] a)
int i;
double len = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
len = len + a[i] * a[i];
len = Math.Sqrt(len);
return len;

for the length of a vector.

After that the resulting matrixes Q and R computed from

double[,] m = new double[MaxOrder, MaxOrder];

are in the arrays

double[,] q = new double[MaxOrder, MaxOrder];
double[,] r = new double[MaxOrder, MaxOrder];

From here we can go back to our main goal: To solve a matrix equation.

From the basic equation


We came to


R and Q we have got now. In a next step QT * y must be computed. The vector y is the solution vector of the matrix equation:

is done with the function

public double[] MultMatrixTransVect(double[,] tr, double[] b)
int j, k;
double[] al = new double[b.Length];
double[] yl = new double[b.Length];
for (j = 0; j < b.Length; j++)
al[j] = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < b.Length; k++)
al[j] = al[j] + (tr[k, j] * b[k]);
return al;

called like:

y = MultMatrixTransVect(q, y);

And then the matrix equation looks like:


And this can be solved right away


And so on.

In a function that’s

public void Solve()
int k, l;
for (k = MaxOrder - 1; k >= 0; k--)
for (l = MaxOrder - 1; l >= k; l--)
y[k] = y[k] - x[l] * r[k, l];
x[k] = y[k] / r[k, k];

And the solution of the matrix equation is placed in

double[] x = new double[MaxOrder];

The Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization is not a real orthonormalization. The columns do not always become fully orthonormal to each other. But still it’s quite a cool algorithm :-)

C# Demo Project to solve a matrix equation by Gram-Schmidt QR decomposition


  • Java Demo Project to solve a matrix equation by Gram-Schmidt QR decomposition
