Newton interpolation

Newton uses a polynomial for the interpolation of yp that can be calculated in a recursive procedure. The basic formulation of this polynomial is:


The coefficients b0 to bn he calculates like:






In this form the calculation is not too obvious. But if we put the |XkXk-1|… terms into a table (here for n = 4), things become clearer.


We first have to calculate |XkXk-1| terms. From this the |XkXk-1Xk-2|…terms and so on. Even though we only need the value on the very top of each column for b0 to b4, we have to calculate all the elements. But in a recursive function it becomes quite simple :-)

void CalcElements(double[] x, int order, int step)
     int i;
     double[] xx;
     if (order >= 1)
         xx = new double[order];
         for (i = 0; i < order-1; i++)
              xx[i] = (x[i + 1] - x[i]) / (x_k[i + step] - x_k[i]);
         b[step - 1] = x[0];
         CalcElements(xx, order - 1, step + 1);


This function is called with the array containing the supporting points, the number of supporting points as the order and it starts with the first step.

Now one yp interpolation value can be calculated like:

for (i = 1; i < order; i++)
       tempYp = b[i];
       for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
            tempYp = tempYp * (xp - x_k[k]);
       yp = yp + tempYp;

It’s not too clearly visible but the Newton interpolation exactly meets each supporting point. We can check that up to 3 supporting points. For more points it becomes too complicate and we leave that. But let’s start at just 2 supporting points x0, y0 and x1, y1.

There we have


And that means


Now it’s quite good visible that yp = y0 if xp = x0 and yp = y1 if xp = x1.

If we now have a look at 3 supporting points, things become a bit more complicate:

The therm


becomes 0 for xp = x0 or xp = x1. For this two cases it’s the same as above.

Now if xp = x3 we get




C# Demo Project Newton interpolation

  • Java Demo Project Newton interpolation