Polynomial interpolation

The polynomial interpolation algorithm builds for n supporting points (xk, yk) a polynomial of the degree n that crosses all the supporting points. This polynomial looks like


Where x and y are the coordinates of one supporting point. For n supporting points we get n such equations for x1, y1 to xn, yn. So the algorithm basically has to set up the equation matrix of n*n and solve this by a Gauss algorithm. That gives the parameters a0 to an and with this parameters for any xp the corresponding yp value can be calculated.


Now the polynomial interpolation is the easiest algorithm of the interpolation algorithms, but it gets to its limits regarding accuracy quite soon. If the delta(X) between the supporting points is too small or too big the Gaussian algorithm gets problems with the constellation of the matrix equation already with 10 supporting points. It can help to scale the delta(X) up or down to get a delta(X) close to 1 only to solve the matrix equation. But the problem remains. The polynomial interpolation is not reliable any more.


Trial of a Polynomial interpolation with f=1/x^2 and 20 supporting points.But this is not the end :-)

In the equation matrix we start with


go on to the equation of y2, the y3 and so on. That means in the first line we have the smallest values because of x1 and Gauss does not like that. Filling up the equation matrix upside down like


improves the accuracy quite a bit. Like this the 20 supporting points can be interpolated correct.Another valuable strategy is to use a rotation matrix instead of the Gaussian Elimination Algorithm to solve the Matrix equation.

See Rotation Matrixes for a detailed description.

For other approaches see Newton interpolation, Lagrange interpolation, Newton Gregory interpolation, Interpolation by Chebychev polynomials

I implemented an online interpolation solver with the polynomial interpolation algorithm. This solver can be found here :-)

C# Demo Projects to polynomial interpolation
  • Polynom.zip

  • Polynom_Givens.zip

  • Java Demo Project to polynomial interpolation
  • PolynomInterpolation.zip

  • PolynomIterpGivens.zip